Arlington Garden Club
Program and Member Meeting Schedule 2024
Guests of members are welcome to attend all meetings and programs, except the Annual Meeting..
Programs and events which are open to the public are noted.
March 19
Welcome Spring Potluck Luncheon
12:30 at The Arlington Common, Watkins House
2024 Program Overview (yearbooks will be distributed)
Hostesses: Elizabeth LaBelle, Debralyn Stempel, Barbara Brophy, Anna Giglio
April 16
"Berry Good"
Guest Presenter: Andrew Knafel from Clear Brook Farms
12:30 Social Time, 1:00 Business Meeting, 2:00 Program
The Arlington Common, Watkins House
Coordinators: Anna Rockwell and Anna Giglio
Hostesses: Wendy Bucchieri, Diahann McDevitt, Joanna Taylor, Jean Freebern:
May 21
"Grow Your Show"
Flower Arranging Tutorial and Finalizing Plant Sale Details
12:30 Social Time, 1:00 Business Meeting, 2:00 Program
The Arlington Common, Watkins House
Coordinator: Wendy Bucchieri
Hostesses: Pat Williams, Teri Cascella, Betsy Habberfield, Linda McDevitt
May 25, Saturday
Annual Plant and Bake Sale
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Arlington Community House
Open to the Public
May 27
Memorial Day Parade
Club members assemble at the Arlington Recreation Park at 9:00 a.m.
Coordinator: Jean Freebern
June 4-10
National Garden Week
June 18
"Welcome to My Garden"
Our In-House Flower Show
Coordinator: Wendy Bucchieri
Hostesses: Carol Fay, Lynn Novick, Kay Wisniewski, Janine Hemstead
July 9
Hayward Gardens Field Trip
Putney Vermont
Coordinator: Debralyn Stempel
August 20
"A Cool Drink"
Water Features For Your Garden
12:30 Social Time, 1:00 Business Meeting, 2:00 Program
The Arlington Common, Watkins House
Coordinator: Debralyn Stempel
Hostesses: Barbara Zuk, Ana Rockwell, Jeanne Rindell, Jean Freebern
September 17
Topic to be Determined
by Vic Izzo, University of Vermont
Open to the Public
5 - 5:30 Social Time, 5;30 Program
The Arlington Common, Watkins House
Coordinators: Anna Rockwell and Anna Giglio
Hostesses: Wendy Bucchieri, Irene Novotny, Barbara Brophy, Beth Hildick-Smith
October 15
"Plant Exchange"
Indoor/ Outdoor Plants
12:30 Social Time, 1:00 Business Meeting, 2:00 Program
The Arlington Common, Watkins House
Coordinators: Anna Rockwell and Anna Giglio
Hostesses: Betsy Habberfield, Jeanine Hemstead, Karen O'Neil, Elizabeth LaBelle
November 19
Annual Meeting
"BYO Craft Social"
12:30 Social Time, 1:00 Business Meeting, 2:00 Election
The Arlington Common, Watkins House
Coordinator: Debralyn Stempel
Hostesses: Teri Cascella, Beth Hildick-Smith, Susan Raggo, Lynn Novick
November 30
Tree Lighting, Carol Singing, and Cocoa
Arlington Community House
Details to follow.
December 3
Holiday Luncheon
West Mountain Inn, Arlington
12:00 p.m.
Guests of members are welcome at all meetings except the Annual Meeting.
Member meetings will be held at the Watkins House located at The Arlington Common, unless otherwise notted.