March 21 - Invasive Plants, (and potluck lunch)
April 18 - New Ideas for Container Gardening, (presented by Andrew Knafel, Clear Brook Farm)
May 16 - Share a Taste (lunch and visual presentation)
August 15 - Field Trip to The Marsh Billings Rockefeller Gardens in Woodstock, Vermont
September 19 - Our 50th Anniversary Celebration (Betty Markey will highlight five decades of accomplishment; tea/cake at the Arlington Inn)
October 17 - Barn Restoration, (and potluck supper)
November 14 - Making Boxwood Trees
March 20 - “NJABOT”, (a mystery program presented by Jim White, Forester)
April 17 - Peony Power, (Bill Countryman, Countryman Peony Farm, Northfield)
May 19 - Making Terrariums with the Junior Girl Scouts
May 22 - Garden Pests and Predators
June 19 - Touring the Labyrinth, Not Your Ordinary Backyard Garden
July 17 - Alice and Angie Higuera’s Gigantic Cutting Gardens, (in Manchester Center; and flower arrangements in unusual containers)
August 14 - Field Trip to The Hope Cemetery in Barre, Vermont; Lunch at The Vermont Culinary Institute; Field Trip to Union College in Schenectady, New York, with Tours of the Botanical and Formal Gardens
September 18 - Putting the Garden to Bed, (Mettowee Mill Nursery)
October 16 - Turkey Talk, (VINS, plus potluck supper)
November 13 - Christmas Table Decorations
March 19 - “NJABOT”, (a mystery program presented by Jim White, Forester)
April 16 - The Kindest Cut, (pruning tips and techniques with Laura McDermott of Cornell University Extension Service)
May 21 - Hot Roses for a Cold Climate
June 18 - Flower Arranging Demonstration with Valerie Cleary
July 16 - Cooking with Herbs
September 17 - Plants for Ponds and Water Gardens
October 15 - Beth Bidwell with Live Birds of Prey, (and potluck supper)
October 27 - Pumpkins on Parade, (hand carved pumpkins, illuminated and displayed on the cemetery wall; cash prizes will be awarded for the top three winners. Refreshments will be served, the contest is open to everyone)
November 18 - Field Trip to GardenWorks in Salem, New York, (meeting and holiday decoration workshop, followed by lunch at The Bunker Hill Inn)
March 18 - The Gardens of Giverney, (and potluck lunch)
April 15 - In with Natives, Out with Invasives: How, Where, When, and Why to Garden with Native, (Murray McHugh, Nature Conservancy)
May 20 - Summer Entertaining in the Garden, (please bring guests to this festive and informative program)
June 17-18 - Overnight Trip to the Montreal Botanical Gardens
July 15 - Hats Off to Flowers, (wear a hat, hat forms supplied, participants should bring their own flowers)
August 19 - Plant Exchange, (bring perennials and other plants from your garden; label species, color, soil and sun needs)
September 16 - Open Meeting, The Art of the Stone Wall, (and potluck supper)
October 15 - Designing Landscapes for Historic and Period Homes, (a joint program with the Manchester Garden Club)
November 18 - A Holiday Greens Workshop
(Pumpkins on Parade continues...)
March 16 - River Gardening, (and potluck lunch)
April 20 - Olallie Daylily Gardens
September 21 - Open Meeting, Raptors, (VINS, following a potluck dinner)
October 11 - Hearty Ornamentals, (a joint meeting of the southern district clubs)
November 16 - Collecting Begonias in Indonesia and Growing Them in Bennington, (Dr. Mary Fuqua, New England Tropical Conservatory)
March 15 - The Right Way to Plant a Tree, (with Jim White, and potluck lunch)
April 19 - Freshen Up Your Garden for Spring
May 17 - A Garden for All Seasons
June 21 - Learning How to Use Your Flower Garden for Healing, (with Edna Meyer of Edna’s Garden)
March 21 - Flow, Texture and Color in the Landscape
April 18 - Propagating Plants for Dried Flower Arrangements
May 16 - Attracting Birds/Butterflies to the Garden, (Peter Coridino, VINS)
July 18 - The Boswell Trail, (with photographer Christie Nevis, SVAC)
August 15 - Cooking from a Cook’s Garden, (with author Ellen Ogden)
September 19 - Mushrooms: Identifying Medicinal, Herbal, Edible; (following a potluck dinner)
October 18 - Blueprint for the Holidays, (a joint meeting of the southern district clubs at The Equinox Hotel)
March 20 - Pruning Shrubs and Small Trees, (plus potluck luncheon)
April 17 - Your House, Your Garden - Foolproof Approach to Good Garden Design, (author Gordon Hayward, a joint program with Bennington Garden Club)
May 15 - Orchids, (at The Inn at Weston)
July 17 - Identifying Trees, (with Nathan Fice, Forester at Lake Shaftsbury State Park. Bring a brown bag lunch and your Green Mountain Passport.)
August 4 - Field Trip to Berkshire Botanical Garden, Stockbridge, MA
September 18 - Stone Walls, Open Meeting, (following a potluck dinner)
October 16 - Battenkill Conservation and Restoration, with Cynthia Browning
March 18 - Preparation and Planning of a Perennial Bed, (with Paul Morgan,
of Morgan Mountain Organic Gardeners, following a potluck luncheon)
April 15 - Identifying and Preventing Insects in the Garden, (with Trish Hanson, Entomologist, Vermont Forestry Division)
September 16 - Open Meeting, Bears: Black Bear Bonanza, (with Rick LaDue, VINS; following a potluck dinner)
September 23 - A Bird Walk to Identify, (Randy Schmidt, Vermont Bird Place)
October 21 - Care and Maintenance of Houseplants, (with Jennifer Casey of Equinox Valley Nursery)
November 18 - Buried Treasures of the Taconic and Green Mountains, with Ken Nicholson
March 17 - Making an English Garden Planter, (with Donna Anderson, of
Mettowee Valley Nursery, following a potluck luncheon)
April 21 - Powerhouse Perennials for Northern Gardens
May 19 - A Mass Design Demonstration, (by Valerie Cleary, Vermont State Flower Show Judge; workshop: bring knife, container and clippings)
June 16 - The ABC’s of Lilacs
July 14 - Flower Arranging Demonstration, (by Peggy Brockett, florist from The Lily of the Valley)
September 15 - Open Meeting; The Vermont All Season Color Garden, (Steve Bazin, Garden Arts Custom Landscape. A potluck dinner at 5:30, business meeting at 6:30, the community is invited for dessert at 7:00)
October 21 - A Holiday Decor Presentation (Joan Parker, Massachusetts Flower Growers award recipient; arrangements will be raffled)