April 15 - How to Tell a Beech from a Birch, (by Jim White, County Forester)
May 20 - Potpourri Makes Good Scents, (the folklore of potpourri, recipes)
June 17 - A Walk in the Woods, (bring a picnic, test your knowledge of trees)
July 17 - Hildene As Host, (we will visit the historic Lincoln home and review the garden improvement program)
August 9 - Horticultural Highs, (flowers, plants, shrubs, fruits and vegetables)
September 23 - Strolling down Bentley Lane (visiting homes of club members Marie Burgess, Marion Keller, Mary Farrington, and Stella Williams. Flower arrangements will be on display)
October 21 - Field Trip to Penber Natural History Museum, Granville, NY
April 14 - Beautiful Botanical Wreaths
May 19 - New Developments for Gardening, (the newest methods and specimens propagation)
June 16 - Vermont in the 80s, (John G. Simson, former executive director of the Bennington County Regional Planning Commission)
July 21 - Eat, Pick, and Be Merry, (gathering weeds and wildflowers to dry; bring a picnic lunch, a basket, and clippers)
August 18 - Christmas Decoration Workshop
September 22 - Gardening in Stitches, (needlecraft designs, with the Manchester Garden Club)
October 20 - Update on the Arlington Tree Planting Project, (supported by a $500 donation from our club)
November 17 - Call Your Houseplants by Name, (members will bring a groomed houseplant labeled with both its botanical and common name and instructions for its proper care. The plants auctioned at the close of the meeting.)
December 1 - Annual Meeting/Luncheon, (original poetry by Rachel Moore)
December 20 - Christmas Carol Sing, (in an effort to revive this lovely seasonal event and make it again and annual Arlington tradition, the garden club will sponsor the Community Carol Sing)
March 16 - Vermont Owls, (by the Vermont Institute of Natural Science)
April 6 - Lecture by a Naturalist, Ronald Rood
May 18 - Flower Arranging Lecture, (by Jane Escher, flower chairman of the Englewood Garden Club in Englewood, NJ)
July 20 - Herbs for Everyday Living, (by Helen Lindsey from Peekskill, NY)
September 21 - The Care and Pruning of a Backyard Orchard, (with John Page, University of Vermont Extension Service. Husbands are invited to this meeting and a buffet supper will be served)
October 19 - Windmills with Rob Howland, (consultant for the AETA corporation, and an expert on wind and hydroelectric power; open meeting)
November 16 - Christmas Decorations
December 19 - (Annual Carol Sing continues…)
March 15 - Eating from Last Summer’s Garden, Planning for This Summer’s
Garden, (luncheon featuring canned and frozen foods grown)
April 19 - Houseplant Survival, (plant gadget or floral device exchange)
May 17 - Bird Walk and Breakfast, (including bird slides)
June 21 - Flower Arranging, (with Miriam O’Day from Dover, MA)
July 19 - Flower Arranging and Corsage Making, (bring containers, oasis, etc.)
September 20 - Put Our Plants to Bed, (plus a game on horticulture)
October 18 - The Nature of Vermont, (with Charles W. Johnson, Vermont State Naturalist in the Department of Forest Park and Recreation)
March 20 - Flowers in the Sky, (with Mr. Michael Caduto, from VINS)
April 4 - Field Trip to the State Capital, husbands are invited
April 24 - Garden Preparation and Planting (with John Page, University of Vermont Extension Service)
May 15 - Bird Walk, and Breakfast
June 19 - Plant Families: Wild and Tame, (with Pamela Weatherbee from the Green Mountain Club)
September 18 - A Horticulture Game
October 16 - Honoring Members (20 consecutive years)
November 20 - After Dinner Gardening, (growing houseplants from seeds and pits of fruits and vegetables)
March 19 - Lilacs, (Mr. Henry Vandine of Ashwood Nurseries will give
instructions for planting lilacs and their care; open meeting)
April 16 - Basketry with Mrs. Betsy Boyden from Canton Center, Connecticut, (making baskets using native New England plants)
May 8 - Field Trip to the Empire State Plaza and Capital in Albany, NY
May 11 - Encore Bird Walk and Breakfast
May 18 - Please Don’t Eat the Daisies, (spring sale of cuttings, seedlings, perennials, etc.; continuing annually...)
June 12 - A June Stroll, (progressive lunch with arrangements at four homes: Verna Huck, Lillian Reynolds, Marion Keller, and Jane Gardner)
July 16 - A Walk in the Park, (bring decorated box lunch to be auctioned)
September 17 - Herbs, (enjoy some tidbits seasoned with herbs)
October 15 - “The Last Stronghold of the Eagle” (a film by the National Audubon Society; open meeting)
November 19 - Field Trip to the Clark Institute, Williamstown, MA
March 18 - Peggy Davidson‘s play: “At the Flower Show”
April 15 - Flower Arranging
May 13 - Lecture and Workshop on Impromptu Flower Arranging
June 17 - Field Trip to the Wildflower Farm in Charlotte, Vermont, (bring lunch)
July 15 - Share a Recipe Luncheon, (bring your favorite dish which must include veg/fruits. Bring six copies of your recipe to be sold for $.10 each.)
July 19 - Bird Walk and Breakfast
August 19 - Mad Hatter‘s Tea Party, (a themed tea and informal flower show)
September 16 - Dried Flower Arranging
October 21 - Vermont Birds, (VINS, slides and lecture; open meeting)
November 18 - Landscape Planting, (Roger/Penny Preuss, Equinox Nursery)
December 9 - Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Arlington Inn, (bring a wrapped tree ornament to be exchanged)
March 17 - Containers, (from cookie tins to doggy dishes)
April 14 - Share a Recipe Luncheon, (bring your favorite dish which must include veg/fruits. Bring six copies of your recipe to be sold for $.10 each.)
May 19 - Bird Walk and Breakfast
June 16 - Herbs and Flowers
September 15 - Field Trip to VINS Raptor Center, (buffet or bring a bag lunch)
October 20 - Our Environment (with Senator Harvey Carter, Vice Chairman of Natural Resources and Energy in the Senate)
November 17 - Owl Program (presented by Sara Laughlin, VINS)
December 8 - Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Arlington Inn, (bring a wrapped gift for a needy boy or a girl, this continues yearly...)
March 22 - “Vermont Gardens”, (Susan Hayward will present this slideshow)
April 19 - State Senator Seth Bongartz and John Haugsrud on Recycling and Waste Management
May 17 - Mechanics, (a workshop on the mechanics of flower arranging)
June 7 - Bird Walk and Breakfast
June 21 - Flower Arranging Workshop
July 11 - Field Trip to Chesterwood and Berkshire Garden Center in Stockbridge, (lunch at the Red Lion Inn)
September 20 - Open Meeting; “Memories of Monet”, (a film on Claude Monet’s gardens and paintings; a casserole supper will proceed the movie)
October 18 - The Cloisters, (a garden lecture led by Tania Bayard)
November 1 - Game Night
November 15 - Indoor Winter Gardening, (bulb forcing for the holidays and the care of winter plants)
March 21 - All About Strawberries
April 18 - Vermont Youth Conservation Corps; Open Meeting, (Tom Hark will present this outstanding summer program for teenagers; potluck supper)
May 16 - Bring Back the Bluebirds, (with Lillian Lund Files)
June 13 - Wildflower and Bird Walk, Breakfast
June 20 - A Demonstration of Flower Arranging, (with Marjorie Claggett of Middleberry, Vermont)
July 10 - Field Trip to Meadowsweet Herb Farm in Shrewsberry, (picnic lunch)
July 18 - Flower Arrangements in Unlikely Containers
September 19 - Open Meeting; Community Recycling (co-sponsored with Arlington organizations and industries)
October 17 - Cookie Exchange, (bring a batch of cookies with six copies of the recipe and take home a batch)
November 9 - Game Night in Halloween Costumes
November 21 - “Who Is in Charge Here?”, (a comedy in one act by Thomas Weakley, presented by the board of gardeners)