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Programs 1970s



May 19 - Nature Trail Walk, Coffee Hour

June 9 - Trip to the Veterans Hospital in White River Junction

July 1 - Arranging for a Dinner Table

July 21 - Growing, Grooming, and Showing Plants

September 15 - The Merck Forest Foundation

October 20 - Open Meeting, Audubon Films: “Paradise Polluted”, and “Look Down”, (camera’s view of plants, animals, and insects)

November 17 - Demonstration of Work with Pods and Cones

Arlington Junior Garden Club

April (statewide cleanup day)

May (flower arranging workshop)

June (nature trail walk)

October (bulbs: how to plant them)

November (nature trail walk: trees)


April 20 - Flowers and Services

May 18 - Afternoon Nature Walk

June 15 - Designs for Today’s Living

July 20 - Tuberous Begonias

August 19 - Flower Arranging for the Home, (joint meeting with Manchester)

September 21 - Landscaping around Your Home

November 16 - Getting Ready for Your Birds

December 7 - Annual Meeting, Luncheon, Slides of 1971 Spring Garden Tour of Europe (shown by Mrs. E. Ellsworth Jannicky)

Arlington Junior Garden Club

May (statewide cleanup day)

October (planting bulbs at Remember Baker Memorial)

Various Workshops)


April 18 - Spring Plans Make a Good Harvest, with John Page

May 16 - Afternoon Nature Walk and film: “Recycling Resources”

June 20 - Field Trip to Berkshire Gardens

July 18 - Demonstration and Discussion on Flower Arranging

September 19 - The River of Life, A Look at the Battenkill, University of Vermont Extension Service

October 17 - The Beauty of Dried Arrangements

Arlington Junior Garden Club

April (Arbor Day tree planting, botany trail, seed gardens)

May (Green-up, plantings at Remember Baker Memorial)

September (field trip)

October (planting bulbs at Remember Baker Memorial)

Various Workshops


April 17 - The Lure and the Lore of Wildflowers

May 15 - Open Meeting, The Significance of the Insignificant

June 19 - Companionate Planting

July 17 - Field Trip to Saratoga Springs, New York, (tour of the environmental conservation efforts at the Saratoga State Park)

August 21 - Japanese Flower Arranging

October 16 - Nature Walk, Create a Terrarium or a Cactus Garden

November 13 - Handcrafting Nature’s Beauty, (projects for winter, at the Governor McCullough mansion, North Bennington, Vermont)

Arlington Junior Garden Club

May (Green-up, work on botany trail, plantings at Remember Baker Memorial)

July (field trip to Chuncksbrook Road, with Duncan Campbell)

October (field trip: collecting pods and cones)

Various Workshops


April 16 - Prelude to Spring, Techniques for Starting Plants from Seeds

May 21 - Back to Basics, Preparing for the Flower Show

July 16 - Ducks Unlimited Story

July 23 - Working with Dried Flowers

August 20 - Bring Your Garden in for Storage

September 21 - Botany Trail Bird Walk

September 17 - “I Know What I Like”, (symposium of Arlington Garden Club members discussing flower arrangements)

October 15 - Field Trip, Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts

October 22 - Making Cornhusk Dolls

November 19 - Cones and Pods for Thanksgiving

December 10 - Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Governor McCullough Mansion, North Bennington; Mrs. Christian W. Schafer, Christmas Readings

Arlington Junior Garden Club

April (compost workshop)

May (plantings, wildflower walk)

July (transparent wildflowers)

November (cones and pods workshop)

December (Christmas workshop)


April 15 - Beauty: Our Challenge, Fundamentals of Flower Arranging

May 20 - Open Meeting, Time Lapse Studies. Plant Development

June 17 - Not Just Cut and Dried, Dried Flower Arranging

July 15 - Flower Arranging through the Years, Flower Arranging Styles

August 19 - Field Trip (Topping Tavern Museum and its herb garden)

September 16 - Interior Decorating with Exotic Plants

October 21 - Company Is Coming, (a walk down School Street visiting the homes of Mrs. Kendall, Mrs. Robert Macksey, Mrs. Thomas Weakley, and Mrs. Thomas Coleman. Dining table arrangements will be on display.)

November 18 - Christmas Dove Ideas

Arlington Junior Garden Club

April (greenhouse gardening)

May (wildflower field trip)

June (drying wildflowers)

July (cactus for beauty)

August (moss terrariums)

September (framing wildflowers)

December (Christmas workshop)


May 18 - A Lot with a Little, Using What Is Available in One’s Garden

June 17 - An Old-fashioned Rose Garden

June 22 - Basic Flower Arranging; Bird Walk along the Battenkill

July 20 - How to Plan and Plant Your Yard

September 21 - Planting to Attract the Birds

October 19 - Learn to Make a Cornhusk Wreath

Nov 16 - Herbs of Early America


April 19 - Here We Go Again

May 17 - Backyard Vegetable Gardening

June 21 - New England Wildflowers

June 28 - Field Trip to Merck Forest

July 19 - Flower Arranging for Everyday Living, (bring your favorite container and flowers from your garden)

August 16 - Brown Thumb; Green Thumb, (houseplant experiences)

September 20 - Open Meeting, Film: “The American Elm - Plan for Survival”

October 18 - Attracting Birds about the Home

November 15 - Landscaping ABC’s


April 18 - Planting Flower Show Winners

May 16 - How, When, Where and Why: Read a Flower Show Schedule

June 20 - A Tea Honoring Past Presidents and Members

June 24 - Techniques of Flower Arranging, (consultants for flower show will be available to help - bring lunch)

July 18 - Dos and Don’ts of Horticulture

October 17 - Terrariums

November 21 - Cornhusk Dolls and Wreath Making


April 17 - Successful Gardening with Perennials

May 15 - Call Me by My Right Name

June 20 - The Living Battenkill

July 17 - The Time is Now

August 21 - Flowers Without Tears

September 18 - We’re All for the Birds

October 16 - Let’s Talk about Tomorrow, (the State Highway Department district engineer discusses the ways Arlington will change in future years)

November 13 - How to Make Christmas Decorations



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