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Programs 1950s-1960s


Programs the garden club has provided to Arlington over the decades. Note: annual repeatable items such as our continuing projects, annual meetings, many flower arrangement workshops and subsequent flower shows, open gardens, regional meetings, fundraisers, or holiday events have been largely omitted, due to space. This list focuses on the unique educational programs of the Arlington Garden Club. Radio Programs and Junior Gardener Programs have been included when recorded (some programs guides have been lost to time).


April 15 - Foundation Planting, Doorways

May 20 - Food and Lodging for the Birds

June 17 - Compost Making

July 15 - Principles of Flower Arrangements

September 16 - Herbs and How to Use Them

December 16 - Christmas Decorations


April 19 - Film, “The Story of Modern Roses”

May 17 - Bird and Flower Walk

July 19 - Field trip to Berkshire Garden Center at Stockbridge, MA

August 16 - Church Flower Arrangements

September 20 - Bringing the Garden Indoors


April 17 - Slides/lecture: “All About Birds”

May 22 - Fern and Wildflower Walk

July 16-20 - Vermont State Garden Pilgrimage

July 24 - Landscape Design

September 18 - Demonstration of Dried Materials/Uses in Winter Bouquets


March 20 - Continuous Bloom in Your Garden

April 23 - “Turn to the Right, Flowers and Services” (film)

May 21 - Meet the Rose Family

June 18 - Bird and Wildflower Walk, (including breakfast)

August 20 - How to Catch the Judge’s Eye

August 27 - Our Bird Friends

September 10 - Lilies

September 17 - Gardens at Home and Abroad

December 10 - Decorating for Christmas


Radio Programs: Flower Shows and Why, Our Elm Trees, Iris – Poor Man’s Orchid, A Fern Walk, Native and Cultivated Shrubs of Vermont, Beautifying Main Street, The Outdoor Living Room, Dahlias and Other Summer Tubers, Gardening for the Juniors, Winter Care of Houseplants

March 18 - Chemicals, Our Daily Poison

April 15 - The Fun of Growing Annuals

May 20 - Let’s Take a Walk, Birds and Shrub Study

June 17 - Arranging for the American Home

September 16 - Shrubs and Their Culture

December 9 - Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly


Radio Programs: Nature Creates the Wildflower, Adding Annuals and Perennials to Your Garden, Tiny Gardens for Window Boxes, The Art of Pruning Shrubs and Trees, Drying Flowers for Winter Bouquets, The Invitation to Walk in Neighbors’ Gardens, Vermont Publications Offer Valuable Information, Making Your Home Attractive to Birds, Preparing the Garden for Winter Sleep, Now Is the Time to Plant for Spring Blooming

March 17 - Bringing Spring into Your Home, Forcing Bulbs

April 21 - Knowing the Native Birds

May 19 - By a Babbling Brook, A Study of Shrubs and Birds

June 23 - Houseplants

July 21 - Open Meeting, Flowers In Your Antiques

August 18 - Flower Show Judge, Teacher Not Critic

September 15 - Open Meeting, Development of Any Site for Beauty

December 8 - Holiday Arrangements


Radio Programs: Do Keep a Bird Guestbook, If I Were Starting a Garden, Flowers and Services Inc., Keeping Vermont Beautiful, Make Your House Welcome with Flowers, Mrs. Gardener and Mrs. Birdwatcher Go Camping, Our Bog, Fun with Herbs, Goodbye to Summer Glory, How I Water in Winter

March 11 - Ecology, a Quick Look

April 19 - Your Desirable Perennials

May 17 - Over the Hills and Far Away, Birds and Wildflowers

June 21 - Open Meeting, Table Setting, Seasoned to Taste

September 20 - The Amazing Lily

December 6 - Christmas Arrangements


Radio Programs: A Look into New Garden Books, Good Eating from Your Own Backyard, Organic Gardening, Sensible Billboard Regulation, It’s Not Too Soon to Start a Winter Bouquet, Insects: Friends and Foe, Landscaping for Outdoor Living, Herbs Then and Now, Opening the Eyes of a Child to Nature, A Beauty Spot in a Cemetery, Know Your Native Shrubs, Plant Now for Spring Color, The Fun of Feeding Winter Birds

March 21 - Growing for Showing

April 18 - The Tale of the Tulip

May 23 - A Nature Walk

June 20 - Open Meeting, Vermont Water Control/Effects on Battenkill Valley

July 25 - Open Meeting, Arranging for Showing

August 22 - What My Herb Garden Means to Me and an Herb Tea

December 5 - Holiday Splendor, Christmas Trees, Christmas Tables


Radio Programs: The Taming of Wildflowers, Wildflowers Growing Around Us, My Pale Green Thumb, Gardens on the Rocks, Our Feathered Friends, Roses, A Decorator’s Garden, An Old-fashioned Garden, Those with Glass Houses, Naturalizing Daffodils, Trees in Your Community, The Fascination of Orchids, African Violets

March 20 - Greenhouse Practices/Pleasures of Small Greenhouses

April 17 - The World of Flowers, An Illustrated Lecture by Mrs. Frank Churchhill, (photographer who specializes in close-ups of wildflowers)

May 15 - Over the River and Through the Woods, A Nature Walk

June 19 - House Tour, Lady Gosford Opens Topping Tavern

July 31 - Pre-flower Show Demonstration

September 18 - Open Meeting, Saving Our Trees, (Horticulture Magazine: progress of control of tree diseases; suitable shade trees for replacement)

December 4 - Christmas at Spring Hill


Radio Programs: Anyone Can Grow Roses in Vermont, A Gardener’s Bookshelf, My Pale Green Thumb, Photographing Wildflowers in Bennington County, Landscaping Our Most Precious Plot, A Gardener’s Look at the Soil, Old Flower Books, How Do I Identify Area Birds, Feeding the Birds Year Round, Vines, Edible Mushrooms, Putting the Garden to Bed, Nature Study at Kurn Hattin

April 16 - Geology in Relation to Soils

May 21 - A Bird Walk, Breakfast

June 18 - Open Meeting, Bees, Their Products and Their Value to Man

July 16 - Unusual Plants for This Area

August 20 - The Floral Theme in Early American Decoration

September 17 - Behind the Scenes with the Judges

December 10 - Christmas Decorations à la mode


March 17 - It’s Time to Get Growing

April 21 - Trees Versus Progress

May 19 - Breakfast, Showing of Edward Brundage’s Bird Paintings

June 16 - The Japanese Tea Ceremony

December 8 - Musical Christmas Party, (Bennington College cello quartet)


March 16 - Wildflowers and Conservation

April 20 - A Succession of Blooms in an Arlington Garden

May 18 - Bog and Bird Watch

June 15 - Open Meeting, The Wise Use of our Natural Heritage

June 20 - Flower Arrangements for the Home

August 17 - Entertaining Houses, A House and Garden Tour

September 21 - Arrangements by Amateurs

December 7 - Greens at the Grange, Christmas Wreaths and Trimmings


April 19 - Open Meeting and Baked Bean Supper, Civic Beautification

and Conservation of Open Spaces

May 17 - Attracting and Feeding Birds

June 21 - Everything‘s Coming up Roses

July 19 - Competitive Arrangements

August 16 - Choosing and Preparing Flowers; Dried Arrangements

September 20 - Mushrooms

November 15 - Thanksgiving Table Arrangements

December 6 - (slides): Christmas Trees/A Taste of Christmas Literature


April 18 - Thoughts for Our Gardens

May 16 - “Yours for a Song” and “The Gooney Bird”, (colored bird films)

June 20 - Pilgrimage to Mrs. Robert Brogdale’s Wildflower Garden and Woodland Trails, Springfield, VT

July 18 - Member Participation Meeting, Show Your Ingenuity (arrangements of flowers, fruit, or foliage in a container not intended for that purpose; prizes)

August 17 - Decorating with Houseplants

September 19 - Flowers, Fruit and Foliage

October 17 - Soil and Water Conservation in Community Planning

November 14 - Garden Books in the Library

December 5 - Annual Meeting, (members bring gifts wrapped lunches, prizes awarded for appropriateness and originality, carol singing by all)


April 16 - Soil Preparation and Planting for Continuous Bloom

May 21 - Bird and Nature Walk

June 18 - “Nature Scrap Book”, (film and talk by Mr. Percy Fellows)

September 17 - Bulbs for Vermont Gardens

October 15 - Planning for the Future of Arlington

November 19 - Thanksgiving Table/Using Fresh, Dried, or Artificial Material

Arlington Junior Garden Club

(Litter Pick-up Day)

(Pilgrimage to Mrs. Robert Brogdale’s Gardens)

(Essay Contest, topic: Vermont Trees)


April 15 - Waking Your Garden in Spring

May 20 - Nature Walk, Breakfast, Slides, (roll call response: favorite bird)

June 18 - Field Trip: Berkshire Gardens, Stockbridge Massachusetts

July 15 - Herbs for Flavor, Fragrance, Fun, (roll call: favorite perennial)

August 19 - Workshops: 1 Working with Wildflowers, 2 Planning Ahead for Winter Beauty, 3 Flower Arranging for Beginners

August 14 - Arlington Street Fair, (flower table)

September 16 - World Gardening, (roll call response: favorite tree)

October 21 - Living with Houseplants, (roll call: favorite house plant)

November 18 - Open Meeting, Land Use in Vermont, (slides by Duncan Campbell, Vermont Natural Resources Council; question/answer with selectmen)

December 9 - Workshop: Christmas Wreaths, (lunch, roll call response: favorite program of the year. Each member please bring a gift and separate wrappings for residence of Brandon Training School)

Arlington Junior Garden Club

May (anti-litter day, help with plantings at the Remember Baker Memorial, War Memorial and Memorial Field, and Churchyard Wall)

June (Junior Essay Awards)

July (Field Trip and Fish and Game Conservation Camp)

August (Street Fair, assist at flower table)

September (Guests at World Gardening Program)

October (Bulb Planting)

December (Christmas Workshop)



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