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Pennies for Pines

We received this letter from the Penny Pines program, which saves forests $68 at a time. Each month, we collect our change and bring our coins to the garden club meetings Each time we gather $68, we send it off to either the Penny Pines program or the Batten Kill Watershed Alliance.

What do our donations go toward, have you ever wondered?

The Penny Pines Project (link) states, "... You may designate a specific state you wish to have benefit from this contribution. Under a conservation agreement, the forest service will do the planting, using your donation together with federal funds, and will provide to the plantation the same protection from fires, insects, and disease given other forested areas. The plantations are a part of the regular national forest reforestation program planted on burned-over and brush-covered areas which are potentially productive timberlands. Planting sites are selected by the supervisor of each national forest. These plantations provide soil protection, watershed protection, soil stabilization, future harvestable timber, as well as beauty and shade for recreation."

The Batten Kill Watershed Alliance (link) " to mobilize the resources of private, municipal, state, and federal entities on behalf of the river system... We have undertaken trout habitat restoration projects and investments in better river dynamics. We plant trees along stream and river banks, which is one of the best things for the watershed. We sponsor occasional public presentations on river-related topics. We send out an occasional newsletter, and distribute material related to good stewardship."


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