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Member Plant Exchange

Get your shovels dividing and/or rootings ready because it's coming right up.....



OCTOBER 15, after regular meeting

There are no rules...plants can be rooted in water, potted, seeds, bulbs only, etc.. Indoor plants, outdoor ones, whatever you'd like to move along, please bring it to the meeting. A label or card with information on the specimen is helpful. If you have proper identification for the wee ones, great but if you only know it's common name, that's okay too.  Don't recall the color? no problem.

Please have your plants ready to be transported (Ziplock bags and paper towels work for rooted starts or paper bags for bulbs).  When you arrive, please put the outdoor plants outside the back entrance to our meeting space at the Arlington COMMUNITY HOUSE  (NOT the Commons).  You may bring your indoor plants inside and we'll have a table waiting. Please be prepared to take the plants back home with you if they don't get swapped up. Got plants but can't dig??? Let your garden club buddies know what you're trying to move along...we might want to pop over and help you out by getting dirty in exchange for bountiful blooms!  


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