Have kids at home? Looking for new ideas? Visit this website for more ideas! https://ngb.org/2020/03/25/kids-gardening-activities/ Here are the Top 10 recommended Kids Gardening activities by Sarah Pounders of KidsGardening: Kitchen Scrap Gardening: Help the planet and clean up your kitchen, this one is a great way to think about where your food comes from. LINK
Seed Viewer: There are many different ways to explore plants with simple dried beans from the soup grocery store aisle. LINK
Plant People: Create your own “chia pet” family. LINK
Grow Your Own Salad: We bet you won’t stop doing this activity as kids who grow edibles are more likely to eat them. Adults too! LINK
Pressed Flowers: Save beautiful spring blooms for future crafts. Pressed flowers provide a base for numerous projects and gifts. LINK
Leaf and Flower Prints: Engage those high energy kids with this fun craft that uses a mallet. LINK
Make More Plants from Houseplants: Houseplants make great gifts and what a great ‘giving’ activity or to ensure more rooms have the benefit of houseplants. LINK
Hydroponics: Ever wonder how hydroponics really work? All that’s needed is a cup with a cover, water, and seeds. LINK
Garden Scavenger Hunt: Turn garden exploration into a game! You can even have prizes for those competitive family members. LINK
Soil Art: No paint on hand, no problem. With a little glue and water, soil can inspire creative artwork. LINK Have more ideas? Add them in the comments!