Come for the Holiday Bazaar, stay all day!
Spend the day in Arlington on December 7th at the Arlington Village Holiday Celebration.  Events will be happening all day long.  Buy your Christmas Tree at the Community House (donations support the Community House and the Town of Arlington), and stay to shop at the Garden Club's Annual Holiday Bazaar or visit the Martha Canfield Library's Arts and Craft Show.  Local inns are offering holiday tours with tickets available at any participating inn, (such as the Arlington Inn and West Mountain Inn), and proceeds will support local food shelves.  There will be events for kids all day long including a special story time at the library, a Holiday Craft event (for all ages) at Burdett Commons, and Santa will be at St. James from 3:00-4:30.  Luminaries will be lit throughout town, and Town Hall and the Town Tree will be lit at 4:30 in the center of town, (holiday lights on trees and at Town Hall supplied by and hung by the Arlington Lions Club).  Stay for caroling around the tree with the newly formed Community Christmas Choir, and free cookies and hot cocoa at the Community House.
9:00-3:00 Wreaths and Christmas Trees for sale at the Community House
10:00-4:00 Arlington Garden Club’s Holiday Bazaar at the Community House
10:00-3:00 Holiday Arts & Crafts Show at the Martha Canfield Library
10:00-5:00 Crèche Display at St. James
10:00-5:00 New! Martha's Books will be open, find a book for yourself or as a gift and support our local library
11:00-12:00 Special Children’s Story Time at the Martha Canfield Library
11:00-4:00 Make Your Own Candy Bar at The Village Peddler
12:00-4:00 Holiday Inn Tours, with proceeds supporting local food shelves
1:00-4:00 Burdett Commons Holiday Craft at the Community House
3:00 Lighting of the Luminaries along Route 7A
3:00-4:30 Santa will be visiting at St. James Episcopal Church, treats provided for children by the Chocolatorium
4:30 Town Hall and Tree Lighting (lights provided by the Lions Club), with caroling, free cookies and hot cocoa at the Arlington Community House!
7:00 New! Arlington Memorial High School presents Harvey, (open to the public)
Note: At 4:30. there will be a donation box at the Cookies and Cocoa event for the Arlington Food Shelf. Donations are much appreciated and stay local to help your neighbors. The Food Shelf has expressed that there is a great need for paper and personal products (such as toilet paper, laundry soap and shampoo). Please help as you are able.